


Acne services offered in Coral Gables, FL

Whether superficial or deep, acne can cause lasting damage to your skin and long-term textural issues. At her office in Miami, Florida, and with teledermatology services in 49 states, board-certified dermatologist Anna Chacon, MD, FAAD, evaluates and manages acne and any resulting acne scars at her self-named practice. To schedule your evaluation for acne, call Anna Chacon, MD, or book an appointment online today.

Acne Q & A

What is acne?

Acne is a prevalent inflammatory skin condition affecting many adolescents. You can also get acne in adulthood, but adolescents tend to get it because of the major hormone fluctuations and changes their bodies go through. 

Acne develops when the pores and hair follicles in your skin become clogged with the natural oils that lubricate them as well as dead skin cells. Bacteria flock to the blockage, which causes inflammation and redness. You can have a single pimple or an entire acne breakout with many pimples and blemishes.

Some acne lesions are whiteheads, meaning they have a white spot of pus on top. Others are blackheads, which look that way because oxygen in the air darkens the color of the oils in your skin. You can also have pimples, pustules, nodules, and cysts which have no such visible pus or sebum, which is an oil that your skin secretes. 

How is acne treated?

Dr. Chacon examines your skin during an initial consultation, either in person or online. She goes over your medical history in search of possible contributing factors so she can plan a treatment that won’t compromise your dermatological or general health. 

Almost all cases of acne go away eventually, but treatment can reduce particularly severe, recurrent, or long-term breakouts. Your dermatological acne treatment options include:

Topical medications

These are products you apply directly to your skin to control its oil production or otherwise reduce acne. Common options include retinoids, benzoyl peroxide, and certain antibiotics. 

Oral medications

Oral medications are medications you take by mouth. For acne, Dr. Chacon might prescribe oral antibiotics to kill the bacteria infecting your acne. 

What are acne scars?

Acne scars are lasting evidence of a breakout in the past. They’re the result of the damage that inflammatory acne does to your skin. Once the acne goes away, your skin rebuilds itself in the recessed area where there was once a pimple or cyst. 

You’re more likely to get acne scars if you pick or pop your acne, but anyone who has had acne can get them. Some people have many, which affect their skin’s texture, but others only have a few. 

If you’re interested in treating acne scars, Dr. Chacon may have a few suggestions. Procedures like chemical peels, laser resurfacing, and phototherapy can help with acne scar healing. 

To schedule an in-person or teledermatology appointment with Anna Chacon, MD, call Dr. Chacon’s office or use the online booking tool today.